No Sex In The City

Lockdown Love Stories

Emma Stepkowski, Eoin McKenna & Sam Jones Season 1 Episode 7

It's valentines day! And to celebrate Emma and Eoin dive into the @nosexpod DMs and explore some of your love stories and dating mishaps. We hop on a plane to Canada and head on a road trip to Bristol, but as with all things on the podcast, the ends of these stories aren't quite as romantic as you'd hope. 

As always, our DMs are open for all of your questions, concerns and hilarious dating stories, so pluck up some courage and slide on in!

Make sure you follow us on instagram for all of the latest podcast news and goings on @nosexpod and slide into our DMs with all of your dating related questions and awkward stories! 

Emma - @emma.stepkowski
Eoin - @eointookthis